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The Ultimate Guide to Building the Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale: Tips, Strategies and Winning Combinations

The Ultimate Guide to Building the Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale: Tips, Strategies and Winning Combinations

Discover the ultimate mega deck in Clash Royale and dominate the arena with this unbeatable combination of cards. Get ready to crush your opponents!

Clash Royale is one of the most popular mobile games in the world, and for good reason. It's a fun and challenging game that requires strategy and skill to succeed. One of the most important aspects of the game is building a strong deck. There are many different types of decks to choose from, but one of the most powerful is the mega deck. In this article, we will explore the best mega deck in Clash Royale and provide tips for using it effectively.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what a mega deck is. A mega deck is a type of deck that focuses on using cards with high hit points and damage output. These cards are often expensive in terms of elixir cost, but they can deal devastating blows to your opponent if used correctly. The best mega deck in Clash Royale consists of a variety of different cards that complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

One of the key cards in the best mega deck is the Giant. This card has an enormous amount of hit points and can soak up a lot of damage while your other cards do their work. The Giant is also relatively cheap in terms of elixir cost, making it a great card to start with. Another essential card in the best mega deck is the Mega Knight. This card is a powerhouse that can deal massive damage to your opponent's troops and buildings.

Another important aspect of the best mega deck is having a variety of different spells. Spells can be used to take out enemy troops or buildings, or to support your own troops. The best mega deck includes a mix of different spells, such as Zap, Poison, and Fireball. These spells can be used strategically to take out your opponent's defenses or to clear a path for your own troops.

Of course, no mega deck is complete without some powerful ranged attackers. Cards like the Musketeer and the Baby Dragon can deal massive damage from a distance, making them essential for taking out enemy troops and buildings. These cards are also great for supporting your melee troops, as they can easily take out enemy ranged attackers.

Another important aspect of the best mega deck is having a variety of different melee attackers. Cards like the Prince and the Valkyrie can deal massive damage up close, while the Mini P.E.K.K.A. can quickly take out enemy tanks. These cards are great for pushing through enemy defenses and dealing damage to your opponent's towers.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when using the best mega deck is to manage your elixir carefully. Mega decks can be expensive, so it's important to make sure you have enough elixir to play your most powerful cards when you need them. This means being patient and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Another key strategy when using the best mega deck is to use your cards strategically. Try to create synergies between your different cards, and use your spells to support your troops or take out enemy defenses. It's also important to be aware of your opponent's cards and to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Finally, it's important to remember that the best mega deck is not invincible. There are many different types of decks that can counter a mega deck, and it's important to be prepared for these matchups. Keep experimenting with different card combinations and strategies until you find the perfect mega deck for your playstyle.

In conclusion, the best mega deck in Clash Royale is a powerful combination of high-hitpoint tanks, devastating melee and ranged attackers, and a variety of different spells. Managing your elixir carefully and using your cards strategically is key to success with this type of deck. With a little practice and experimentation, you can become a master of the mega deck and dominate your opponents in Clash Royale.


Clash Royale is one of the most popular mobile games in the world. It’s a strategy game that requires players to build decks and battle against other players in real-time. One of the most exciting parts of Clash Royale is building your deck. A Mega Deck is a unique deck that consists of eight cards instead of the usual 4 or 5. In this article, we will look at some of the best Mega Decks in Clash Royale.

The Best Mega Deck

The best Mega Deck in Clash Royale is the one that suits your playstyle. However, there are some Mega Decks that are more successful than others. The best Mega Decks are those that have a balance between offense and defense. They should also have a variety of cards that can counter different types of decks. Here are some of the best Mega Decks in Clash Royale.

The Hog Rider Deck

The Hog Rider Deck is a classic Mega Deck that has been popular for years. It consists of the Hog Rider, Valkyrie, Musketeer, Fireball, Zap, Barbarians, Cannon, and Skeletons. This deck is great for players who like to play aggressively. The Hog Rider is the star of the deck and can deal a lot of damage to the opponent's towers. The Valkyrie and Barbarians are great for defending against the opponent's troops, while the Musketeer provides air support. The Fireball and Zap are great for clearing out groups of troops, and the Cannon can distract the enemy's tanks.

The Three Musketeers Deck

The Three Musketeers Deck is another popular Mega Deck in Clash Royale. It consists of the Three Musketeers, Battle Ram, Elixir Collector, Ice Golem, Zap, Fireball, Minions, and Barbarian Hut. This deck is great for players who like to play defensively. The Three Musketeers are the star of the deck and can deal a lot of damage to the opponent's towers. The Battle Ram is great for distracting the enemy's troops, while the Elixir Collector provides an elixir advantage. The Ice Golem and Minions are great for defending against the opponent's troops, while the Barbarian Hut can spawn Barbarians to defend against the enemy's tanks.

The Giant Skeleton Deck

The Giant Skeleton Deck is a fun Mega Deck that can surprise your opponents. It consists of the Giant Skeleton, Witch, Prince, Skeleton Army, Arrows, Goblin Barrel, Inferno Tower, and Fire Spirits. This deck is great for players who like to play defensively and counter-attack. The Giant Skeleton is the star of the deck and can deal a lot of damage to the enemy's troops and towers. The Witch and Prince are great for defending against the enemy's troops, while the Skeleton Army can distract the enemy's tanks. The Arrows and Inferno Tower are great for clearing out groups of troops, while the Goblin Barrel and Fire Spirits can deal damage to the enemy's towers.


In conclusion, there are many different Mega Decks that you can use in Clash Royale. The key to success is finding a deck that suits your playstyle and has a balance between offense and defense. The Hog Rider Deck, Three Musketeers Deck, and Giant Skeleton Deck are some of the best Mega Decks in Clash Royale. Give them a try and see which one works best for you!

Introduction: What is a Mega Deck in Clash Royale?

Clash Royale is a popular mobile game that has gained a large following since its release. One of the features that sets it apart from other games is the Mega Deck. A Mega Deck is a unique deck that consists of 18 cards instead of the usual 8 cards. This allows players to have more options when it comes to strategy and gameplay.

Benefits of Using a Mega Deck in Clash Royale

Using a Mega Deck in Clash Royale has several advantages. Firstly, having 18 cards gives you more options to choose from during battles. This means that you can adapt to your opponent's playstyle and counter their moves more effectively. Secondly, a Mega Deck is less predictable than a regular deck. Your opponent will have a harder time predicting which cards you will play next, giving you an advantage. Finally, using a Mega Deck can be a lot of fun. It allows you to experiment with different card combinations and try out new strategies.

The Top Cards to Include in a Mega Deck

When building a Mega Deck, it's important to choose cards that complement each other and cover all aspects of gameplay. Here are some of the top cards to include in a Mega Deck:1. Golem - A powerful tank that can soak up damage and deal massive damage to towers.2. Three Musketeers - A versatile card that can be split into three separate Musketeers or used as a single unit.3. Minion Horde - A group of flying minions that can quickly take down ground troops.4. Fireball - A spell that deals area damage and is great for taking out groups of weaker units.5. Mega Knight - A high-damage melee unit that can jump onto enemy troops and deal area damage.6. Princess - A ranged unit that can deal damage from a distance and is great for taking out swarms of weaker units.7. Inferno Dragon - A flying unit that deals massive damage to tanks and can quickly take down towers.8. Hog Rider - A fast-moving melee unit that can quickly take down towers.9. Tornado - A spell that can pull enemy troops together and deal area damage.10. Elixir Collector - A building that generates extra elixir, allowing you to play more cards during battles.

Best Mega Deck Strategy for Winning Battles

The key to winning battles with a Mega Deck is to have a well-rounded strategy that covers all aspects of gameplay. Here are some tips for developing a winning strategy:1. Have a mix of offensive and defensive cards in your deck. This will allow you to both attack your opponent and defend your own towers.2. Use your elixir wisely. Try to save up enough elixir to make big plays when the opportunity arises.3. Don't be afraid to switch up your strategy mid-battle. If your opponent is countering your moves, try a different approach.4. Use your spells strategically. Fireball and Tornado can be used to take out groups of weaker units, while Zap and Freeze can be used to stun enemy troops.5. Try to take out your opponent's towers one at a time. This will give you a better chance of winning the game.

Tips for Building a Mega Deck for Different Arenas

The best Mega Deck for different arenas will vary depending on the cards available and the strategies used by other players. Here are some tips for building a Mega Deck for different arenas:1. Early Arenas (1-4) - Focus on building a balanced deck with a mix of offensive and defensive cards. Use cards like Giant and Prince to take down towers quickly.2. Middle Arenas (5-8) - Start to include more powerful cards like Golem and Three Musketeers. Use cards like Minion Horde and Fireball to take out groups of weaker units.3. High Arenas (9-12) - Include more legendary cards like Mega Knight and Inferno Dragon. Use cards like Tornado and Elixir Collector to gain an advantage over your opponent.

Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of a Mega Deck

Like any deck, a Mega Deck has its strengths and weaknesses. Some of the strengths of a Mega Deck include having more options during battles, being less predictable, and allowing players to experiment with different card combinations. Some of the weaknesses of a Mega Deck include being harder to manage during battles, being more expensive to build, and requiring more skill to use effectively.

How to Counter a Mega Deck in Clash Royale

To counter a Mega Deck in Clash Royale, it's important to focus on disrupting your opponent's strategy and taking advantage of their weaknesses. Here are some tips for countering a Mega Deck:1. Use cards that can take out multiple units at once, such as Fireball or Tornado.2. Try to take out your opponent's support cards first, as they are often weaker and easier to defeat.3. Focus on defending your own towers and wait for your opponent to make a mistake.4. Be patient and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

Understanding the Role of Each Card in a Mega Deck

In a Mega Deck, each card has a specific role to play. Understanding the role of each card is key to using them effectively. Here are some of the roles that cards can play in a Mega Deck:1. Tank - High-health units that soak up damage and allow other units to attack.2. Support - Units that provide buffs or debuffs to other units, such as Princess or Ice Wizard.3. Ranged - Units that can attack from a distance, such as Musketeer or Archer.4. Melee - Units that attack up close, such as Knight or Mini Pekka.5. Spell - Cards that deal area damage or have other effects, such as Fireball or Zap.

Advanced Mega Deck Techniques for Skilled Players

For skilled players, there are several advanced techniques that can be used to take their Mega Deck gameplay to the next level. Here are some of the most effective techniques:1. Baiting - Using weaker units to bait out enemy spells and then playing stronger units.2. Splitting - Splitting units up to attack multiple towers at once or defend multiple lanes.3. Cycling - Using low-cost cards to cycle through your deck quickly and get to your stronger cards faster.4. Predicting - Predicting your opponent's moves and countering them before they happen.5. Mind games - Using bluffing and misdirection to throw off your opponent's strategy.

Final Thoughts: Is a Mega Deck Right for Your Clash Royale Playstyle?

Whether or not a Mega Deck is right for your Clash Royale playstyle depends on your personal preferences and skill level. If you enjoy experimenting with different card combinations and strategies, a Mega Deck might be perfect for you. However, if you prefer a simpler and more predictable gameplay experience, a regular deck might be a better choice. Regardless of which deck you choose, remember to have fun and enjoy the game!

The Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale

Point of View

As an avid player of Clash Royale, I have experimented with numerous decks to find the best one. Through my personal experience and research, I believe that the best mega deck in Clash Royale is the Mega Knight deck.


1. Strong Defense: The Mega Knight has high HP and can take out multiple troops at once, making it an excellent defender against ground units.2. Versatile Offense: The Mega Knight can also be used as an offensive troop, as it can jump onto enemy buildings and troops and deal significant damage.3. Good Synergy: The Mega Knight deck has good synergy with other cards such as Zap, Electro Wizard, and Inferno Dragon, providing additional support for both offense and defense.4. Anti-Elite Barbarian: The Mega Knight is effective against Elite Barbarians, which can be a common and challenging card to counter.5. High Elixir Cost: While this may seem like a con, the high elixir cost allows for a more strategic use of cards, making it more difficult for opponents to predict and counter.


1. Vulnerable to Air Troops: The Mega Knight is a ground unit and can be easily taken out by air troops such as Minions or Baby Dragons.2. Limited Range: The Mega Knight has a limited range and must be placed close to enemy troops or buildings to be effective.3. Weak Against Swarms: The Mega Knight's splash damage is not as effective against large swarms of low-HP troops such as Skeletons or Goblins.

Table Comparison

| Pros | Cons || --- | --- || Strong Defense | Vulnerable to Air Troops || Versatile Offense | Limited Range || Good Synergy | Weak Against Swarms || Anti-Elite Barbarian | || High Elixir Cost | |In conclusion, while the Mega Knight deck may have its drawbacks, its strengths outweigh its weaknesses, making it the best mega deck in Clash Royale. Its versatility, synergy, and strong defense make it a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

The Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best mega deck in Clash Royale. We hope that the information we provided has been helpful and informative for you in your quest to become the ultimate Clash Royale player. As a closing message, we would like to summarize some of the key points that we have covered in this article.

First and foremost, we want to stress the importance of having a well-rounded deck. While the Mega Knight may be a powerful card, it is not enough to carry you through every battle. It is important to have a variety of cards that can counter different types of opponents and strategies.

Next, we discussed some of the best cards to include in your Mega Deck. These included cards such as the Inferno Dragon, the Golem, and the Electro Wizard. Each of these cards has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, but when used together strategically, they can be a formidable force on the battlefield.

We also talked about some of the best strategies to employ when using a Mega Deck. One such strategy is to use your tanks to absorb damage while your support troops deal damage from a distance. Another strategy is to use your spells to take out key enemy troops or to damage enemy towers directly.

Another important point that we discussed in this article is the importance of upgrading your cards. Upgraded cards are stronger and more effective in battle, so it is important to invest your resources wisely in upgrading the cards that you use most frequently in your Mega Deck.

We also talked about the importance of practicing and refining your skills as a Clash Royale player. The more you play, the better you will become at predicting your opponent's moves and countering their strategies. Additionally, watching replays of your battles can help you identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Finally, we want to emphasize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to building a Mega Deck. The best deck for you will depend on your individual playstyle, the types of opponents you typically face, and the cards that you have available to you. Don't be afraid to experiment with different decks and strategies until you find the combination that works best for you.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has provided you with some valuable insights into building the best Mega Deck in Clash Royale. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and refining your strategy until you become a true Clash Royale master. Good luck!

People Also Ask About Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale

What is a Mega Deck in Clash Royale?

A Mega Deck in Clash Royale is a type of deck that contains all the cards available in the game. This means that players can use any card they want to create a powerful and versatile deck.

What are the Benefits of Using a Mega Deck?

There are several benefits of using a Mega Deck in Clash Royale:

  • More versatile gameplay
  • Ability to counter any opponent's strategy
  • Higher chance of winning matches

What are the Best Cards for a Mega Deck?

The best cards for a Mega Deck in Clash Royale are the ones that offer the most versatility and power. These include:

  1. Golem
  2. Three Musketeers
  3. Minion Horde
  4. Balloon
  5. Electro Wizard
  6. Fireball
  7. P.E.K.K.A
  8. Giant Skeleton
  9. Mirror
  10. Clone

What is the Best Mega Deck in Clash Royale?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best Mega Deck in Clash Royale will depend on a player's individual play style and preferences. However, some popular Mega Decks among top players include:

  • Golem Beatdown Deck
  • Three Musketeers Split Push Deck
  • Balloon Cycle Deck
  • P.E.K.K.A Control Deck
  • Giant Skeleton Clone Deck